Senior School – T2 W8 2024

Students Are Shining Bright in So Many Ways! The Senior School newsletter article shares updates and important information, from the delivery of student reports, Endeavour awards and vibrant Theatresports competitions to the health risks of smokeless tobacco products – we aim to keep you informed and engaged with many aspects of College life. Reports Late […]

Junior School – T2 W8 2024

A Big Wide World of Learning: From Farms to Canberra Year 6 Camp This week has been very exciting for our Year 6 students, as they have spent three days exploring Canberra. The experiences they have had this week have served to consolidate the learning they have done in Terms 1 and 2 as they […]

Teaching and Learning – T2 W8 2024

A Kaleidoscope of Learning Adventures Kindergarten Science Explorations Our curious Kindergartners have been busy little explorers this term, investigating where our food and clothes come from! They have been learning all about the amazing variety of plants and animals that provide us with the things we need to grow healthy and strong within a unit […]

Principal – T2 W8 2024

Fostering Strong School-Parent Partnerships for Student Success As we approach the end of another vibrant learning term, I would like to take this opportunity to emphasise the crucial partnership between our college and our parents in nurturing the academic and personal growth of our students. Research consistently highlights the positive impact of active parental engagement […]

Music – T2 W8 2024

Even More Opportunities to Perform In the Music Classroom Congratulations to our Year 5 students who have been busily making music this semester. Year 5 students split into four separate groups during Music class every Friday. One group is our 27-piece Junior Concert Band conducted by Mr Miller. Another is our 11-piece Junior Strings Orchestra […]

Duke of Ed Spotlight – T2 W8 2024

Dance, Choir and Community Service, Oh My! This weeks Duke of Edinburgh Spotlight features Year 9 student Emily-Jane D. Emily-Jane begun her Bronze award this year and has already made impressive progress in the past two terms. Emily-Jane has been using her dance classes as her physical recreation component of the award. She set the […]

Health and Wellbeing – T2 W8 2024

Grief & Loss for Young Children Grief is a natural response to loss. It might be the loss of a loved one, relationship or even a pet. The more significant the loss, the more intense the grief is likely to be. Children and adults grieve differently due to their developmental stage, and this can prove […]

Principal – T2 W6 2024

Why the Duke of Edinburgh International Award matters At OPAC there are a wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer to students to enhance their college experience and broaden their skills. I’d like to highlight one of them this week. From Year 9 students can register to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International […]

Senior School – T2 W6 2024

Culture Clash? More Like Cultural Celebration at OPAC The last two weeks in the Senior School have provided an opportunity to shine a light on the rich culture of our OPAC families and our Australian heritage. Our Australian Heritage It profoundly saddens me to hear of the racial abuse that still stains our society. On […]

Junior School – T2 W6 2024

Fostering Empathy Through Multicultural Exploration Over the past two weeks in Junior School, we have been thinking and wondering about what school life is like for children who are growing up in a variety of different cultures. We thought about the different cultural groups represented in each grade, chose one culture and then spent some […]