Oran Park Anglican College regards our families and friends as partners in the educational journey of our students. Our inclusive Parents and Friends Association provides many wonderful opportunities for the wider College community to become involved in this journey.
The College is very appreciative of the multitude of ways parents, grandparents, family and friends can assist the College and our teachers, from helping with reading, craft and other classroom activities, to sporting and carnival volunteering and support. Other opportunities for involvement include Parent Information Evenings, Assemblies, Book Week, Concerts, Musicals, Open Day, Trivia Nights and more.

The Association plays an important role in developing our community, welcoming new parents to the College and various events, fundraising and generally enhancing the quality of our innovative learning environment. Our students are the beneficiaries of the Association’s generous support.
All parents are invited to join the Parents and Friends Association and become active participants in the life of the College and the journey of its students. Involvement may include donation of goods, services and time. Trade and professional expertise are also appreciated and accepted with gratitude.
The Association meets one evening per term to hear updates on College programs, discuss community building initiatives and plan events.
Contact our wonderful Parents and Friends Association for more information or to join: