The Enrolment Journey

Oran Park Anglican College warmly welcomes families from all faiths and backgrounds into our wonderful community. We have a three-step process for enrolling your child/ren at the College.

Submit an online application

We encourage interested families for Preparatory, Kindergarten and Year 7 to apply 18-24 months prior to entry. However, we welcome applications at any time.
All applications will be reviewed and placed on a waiting list.

Enrolment Interview

Prospective families will be contacted when and if a place becomes available. They will be invited to attend an interview with the College Principal or Deputy Principal. An Enrolment interview is a prerequisite for admission but not a guarantee of admission.

Offer Of Enrolment

If a place at the College is offered, families will receive an Enrolment Offer via email. Families have fourteen days to accept the place, including acknowledgement of the Anglican Schools Corporation – Conditions of Enrolment as well as payment of the non-refundable enrolment acceptance fee of $900 for the first child and $500 for each sibling.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is needed to submit an application?

Each Application will require:

  • A copy of your child’s certified Birth Certificate
  • A current copy of your child’s Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) statement
  • Signatures of both parents/carers (where only one parent/carer elects to sign, evidence regarding sole parenting is required)
  • Payment of non-refundable $100 Application Fee

Where applicable, the Application will also require a copy of your child’s:

  • Two most recent School Reports
  • Most recent NAPLAN report
  • Passport and Visa details (Please note our College is NOT registered to accept students on an International Visa)
  • If born overseas and now an Australian Citizen, please provide Certification
  • Medical Action Plan from Specialist Doctor or GP
  • Documentation related to your child’s skills or learning needs such as an Individual Learning Plan, Psychological Assessments, Medical Reports, Occupational Therapist or Speech Therapist Reports
  • Any relevant Court Orders

Please note: Incomplete applications will not be offered an interview.

What are the age requirements?

Prep School (Pre-Kindergarten)

To be eligible for a placement in Prep School, children must have turned four years of age by 31st March in the Prep year.


To be eligible for a placement in Kindergarten, children must have turned five years of age by 31st March in the Kindergarten year.

Are there priority placements?
  1. Priority for placement will be given to siblings of current students if their application is submitted by January 31, two years before the enrolment year. Placement is based on availability.
  2. Children of Clergy
  3. Children of Staff
  4. Children of Ex-students
What criteria is taken into account when an Offer of Enrolment is made?

The College takes a range of criteria into account when making offers of places to students because we consider it important to have an appropriately balanced school community. Criteria that are taken into account when making offers to students include:

  • Enthusiasm and effort toward learning
  • Co-curricular interests and contribution
  • Community involvement
  • Balancing the co-educational culture
  • The values of the student and their family
  • Acceptance of, and commitment to, the vision, mission and values of Oran Park Anglican College
  • Siblings currently at the College and other family connections
  • Outcome of the interview process with the Principal or chosen delegate

Application Support

We are available to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have along the way. If you are in need of assistance please contact or 02 4604 0000.

God bless,
Mrs Elinor Zagorac