The Life Newsletter

Principal – T3 W10 2024

Farewell Year 12

As we approach the end of another successful school term, it is with mixed emotions that we bid farewell to our Year 12 students, the graduating Class of 2024. This week marks the end of their formal education at Oran Park Anglican College, a significant milestone not just for the students, but for the entire OPAC community.

Throughout their time here, these students have embraced our core values of courage, curiosity, craftsmanship, collaboration, and compassion—values that have shaped them into the remarkable individuals they are today. We have seen them demonstrate courage in their studies and relationships, curiosity in their thirst for knowledge, craftsmanship in their pursuit of excellence, collaboration in their teamwork, and compassion in their care for others.

Reflecting on their journey, we recognise that their experiences have been both joyful and challenging. In my address at their graduation, I highlighted that every chapter in life, no matter how cherished, eventually comes to a close. But it is through these transitions that growth occurs. Their time here at OPAC has prepared them to face whatever lies ahead with confidence and grace.

For many of our Year 12 students, this College has been home for six years, and for some—like Maddison P —since Kindergarten, when OPAC first opened its doors. Their accomplishments, contributions, and friendships have left a lasting legacy, and their departure is a bittersweet reminder of the impact they have had on our college. As they leave the College, I reminded them of the good news they had been taught about the Christian faith, with the words from Ephesians 2:8-9: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.”

In honour of their graduation, we gifted each student a lamp as a symbol of Christ’s light and the calling to reflect His love in all that they do. We pray that the values they have embraced at OPAC will continue to guide them as they embark on their future endeavours, be it in medicine, the arts, business, education, or any other path they choose.

To the Class of 2024, congratulations on your achievements. We send you off with our blessings, confident that you will shine brightly in the world beyond OPAC. May God bless each of you now and always.

The End of Term

With the end of the school term upon us, I also want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the wonderful staff team we have at OPAC who selflessly, nurture our students to be powerful learners. We have seen such wonderful examples of our students’ craftsmanship this term and I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing and seeing your child’s learning growth this term.

I pray that each family enjoys a time of refreshment and connection over the holidays as you enjoy a break in routines, travel or time to do local activities. We look forward to seeing you again after the break, renewed and ready for the new challenges and opportunities that the next term will bring.

God bless, 

Mrs Naomi Wilkins

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12